Publications | HKRMA


The HKRMA publishes different publications to provide latest industry news, including Newsletter -"Retailers", Annual Report, Salary Trends etc.


HKRMA Annual Report

"RETAILERS" Newsletter

HKRMA Report on Manpower Situation of the Hong Kong Retail Industry - Salary Trends

This is an annual publication compiled by the HKRMA to provide a concise summary of 

the relevant statistics regarding Hong Kong's retail workforce. The contents include 

data essential to the effective monitoring of the industry’s salary trends and benefits

 to enable effective manpower planning for retail and related businesses. 


 Key salary trends generated from the annual HKRMA Salary Survey of Retail Staff:

Salary Trend for 2023 - Executive Summary

Salary Trends for 2022 - Executive Summary

Salary Trends for 2021 - Executive Summary

Salary Trends for 2020 - Executive Summary

Subscription of full report of 2023

 HKRMA Members: HK$1,300.00 per copy

Non-Members: HK$4,800.00 per copy


Subscription Form